This is all great but most times customers felt it was long winded, other times not everybody wanted to allow users to register in order to make a booking.
Custom form fields
Using custom form fields, you can collect firstname, lastname and email during the booking process itself, eliminating the need to allow registration.
Note: While this allows you to take bookings from non-registered users, users booking this way cannot check their booking history or cancel their booking. Which is still one of the perks of registered users. If you can look beyond that, this is one of the most popular ways people are using Booki.
Setup is simple. Get on the "Form Builder" tab in the "Projects" page and make the following changes.- Firstname field using the form builder. Needs to be a textbox field. Towards the bottom of the page select "The value of this field is the first name or first name and last name".
- Lastname field using the form builder. Needs to be a textbox field. Towards the bottom of the page select "The value of this field is the last name".
- Email field using the form builder. Needs to be a textbox field. Under "Validation - Basic constraints" check "Match an email".
After checking "Match an email", a set of new options will appear
towards the bottom of the page. Select "Use this email field to send a one time
notification to the user".
If the above is setup your customer will receive notifications. If you would like to test it, make sure
you are logged out before making the booking. A user that is already logged in
is considered a registered user and hence will follow a different set of rules.